Free Resources — PrepPros - Expert SAT & ACT Test Prep

Free Resources

Nothing is better than free! We highly recommending using the free practice tests to start your SAT/ACT Prep journey and to determine which test is the better fit for you. Next, start getting ready for test day with the free trial of our Ultimate SAT and ACT Courses.


 Free Practice Test & Full Test Explanation

Get a free practice SAT & ACT below. The SAT is now a digital test taken on the computer. You can use the link below to download the BlueBook App and can complete a practice test there. The ACT is still on paper. You can download a copy below and print it off for your students to complete at home.

The practice Digital SAT will tell you the score automatically. For the ACT, after completing the practice test, use the answers in the back for grading. Next, compare your scores using the chart here. If you are unsure if the SAT or ACT is best for you, we are happy to help determine which test you are better suited for.

(Coming Soon) PrepPros SAT vs. ACT Guide

Learn about the key differences between the SAT and ACT with the PrepPros SAT vs. ACT 1-page guide (new guide for Digital SAT vs. ACT coming soon)

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