Get The Complete Guide To ACT Math
If you want to get a perfect 36 on the ACT Math, this is the book for you!
It's written by 2 perfect ACT scorers and designed for students seeking top ACT Math scores.
Proven strategies to maximize your ACT Math score! On-demand recorded lessons & in depth recorded explanations for the entire book are available in our ACT Math Course.
The book includes:
1,250 Practice Questions that Accurately Reflect the ACT Math Section.
Revolutionary 4 Level System & Study Guides to Maximize Results.
35 Chapters Covering Every Topic on the ACT.
Advanced Questions for Students Aiming For A Perfect 36.
30+ Hours On-Demand Video Lessons & Explanations Available
In Our ACT Math Course To Make This Book Even Better.
The most comprehensive and up-to-date book for the ACT Math section with 35 chapters covering every topic on the test.
Expertly written questions that accurately reflect the ACT Math section, including the most difficult questions to challenge students aiming for a perfect score.
Proven test-taking tips, tricks, and techniques that have helped over 2,000 of our students drastically increase their scores.
30+ hour video course with a perfect score tutor teaching the entire book and solving all 1,250 questions.
Ultimate ACT Math Course
Learning from a book on your own can be hard (and really boring), so we recorded on-demand lessons for all 35 chapters of the book to make it easy! Our ACT Math Course has over 30 hours of on-demand videos that teach all 35 chapters in our book. In addition to covering everything tested on the ACT Math Test, the videos also includes proven test-taking tips, pattern spotting skills, and shortcut methods that will help you get your best ACT Math score ever.
Take a Look Inside
In the Free Trial to our ACT Math Course, you get 2 free chapters from the Complete Guide to ACT Math plus video lessons with expert tutor and the book’s author Matthew Stroup. Learn everything you need to know about Mean, Median, Mode, and Range (Chapter 12) and Matrices (Chapter 19) on the ACT and apply your skills on 59 practice questions.
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